Friday, 5 December 2014

User Desired LED Blinking


Open LX-Terminal.

Create a file with .py extension

Ex: nano

Nano is a type of editor used to write the code in that file named userinput.

Type the following code in that file by insert key or by typing letter I on keyboard.



#! /usr/bin/python
Import os
Import time
Import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM)
GPIO.setwarnings (False)
GPIO.setup (17, GPIO.OUT)          //configuring 17th pin as output
GPIO.setup (27, GPIO.OUT)          // configuring 27th pin as output
#Setup variables for user input
led_choice = 0
count = 0
os.system (‘clear’)
print “which LED would you like to blink”
print “1: Red?”
print “2: Blue?”
led_choice = input (“choose your option: “)               //user choice
if led_choice  == 1:                                                       // select led to blink
os.system (‘clear’)
                    print  “You picked the Red LED”
                    count = input (“How many times would you like it to blink? :  ”)                                                                                                                         //user enter purpose
                    while count > 0 :
                                       GPIO.output (27, GPIO.HIGH)
                                       time.sleep (1)                         //to sleep for one second
                                       GPIO.output (27, GPIO.LOW)
                                      time.sleep (1)                        // to sleep for one second
                                      count = count-1
if led_choice == 2:                                                    // select led to blink
                   os.system (‘clear’)
                   print ”You picked the Blue LED”
                   count = input (“How many times would you like to blink? :  ”) //user enter purpose
                   while count  > 0 :
                                      GPIO.output (17, GPIO.HIGH)
                                      time.sleep (1)                    // to sleep for one second
                                      GPIO.output (17, GPIO.LOW)
                                      Time.sleep (1)                  // to sleep for one second        
                                      count = count-1

Save the file by typing  :wq and then press enter.

To check the output:Type python

Output 1:

Output 2:

Output 3:

Output 4:


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